October 4, 2010

Dinner Date with Aidan

I saw Aidan twice today! First we sang & danced at Kindermusik and then we went out to dinner later that night. We went to Smokejack and played on the playground after! What a fun day!

Walking to the playground with Daddy

Okay Aidan, hold my hand so if I get out of control, you're going down with me!
Now, don't let go of my hand! Thanks, made it safely! You can let go now.
What else is up here?Daddy makes sure he catches me at the end.

Mommy getting me ready for gymnastics!

Ready for Tennis!

I love Butch Bear that my g-pa gave me!
Sticking out my belly. Daddy pushes me around the downstairs in his office chair... Weeeeee!
Getting ready for tennis.Alright, let me show you how to hold the racquet.

Now swing!

October 3, 2010

The Zoo!

Lions and Tigers and Bears, OH MY!!

I went to the zoo with Mommy, Auntie, and my friend Taylor & her mommy! We had such a great time & learned so much!
Alright, lets get a move on!
Look! A real Panda Bear!
Look how close I am!
Look over here, come closer Taylor!!
What a fun day Mommy!
Looking at a Snake with Auntie!
I got to touch this gorilla!
Can you spot me?!

Whoa! Look at the Giraffe!
Lunch time. Yes, that is red velvet cupcake on my mouth!Train ride around the zoo.

My auntie is so funny!
Chomp, Chomp!

Little Chef

Helping Mommy make Red Velvet Cupcakes. They were yummy!

I put all the baking sheets in!

I am such a helper!
Whoa! This is fun, can I try by myself??

Yes! All mine! (Even though Mommy turned it off b/c she was afraid I was going to stick my hand in the bowl! I was still stirring it up!)
One down, one to go. I will work for cupcakes!

15 mths old & on the MOVE!

Mother! Let me go!
How's this pose?Move it people, I'm on a mission!

Start this baby up!
Have some Sippy my little pony!
I LOVE to climb up on the couch!
Working on my "TOUCHDOWN"!
My new puppy winter hat. How cute!I'm a lady who strolls...

Dab, Dab. Miss Proper at Mary Mac's Tea Room with Mommy, Gramzee, & Auntie.
Auntie always gives me the good stuff... Banana Pudding. I deserve it after 'shopping' for Auntie's Wedding Reception Site!
Ladies who lunch!
Hailey, are you going to get the baby, or should I?
I can do it...
My kung foo grip! No one is taking this spoon from my hand!
Butch Bear, you stay in the car while I put the keys in.