January 29, 2010

8 months!!

The week started off great because I got to go to my friend Hailey's 1st Birthday party. I got to play with all of her toys and I also got to see my friend Bailey there! Later that week my Grammie and one of her friends Trudy came to see me.

Hailey's Birthday Party

Playing with Bailey!
Trudy carrying me around!
Visiting with Grammie

Playing my guitar that my grandpa gave me!
Hey, wait... maybe i want to work on this instead.

Oh, forget it! I'll just do both at the same time!
Making sure daddy is still watching me....
I love this!

January 20, 2010


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I got to go on my 2nd plane ride with Mommy & Auntie! We went to Maryland to visit my GiGi, aunt/uncle, & cousins. I was such a wonderful baby girl on our flights ~ i ate, played, and even slept! GiGi just moved from Atlanta to Ocean City, Maryland and got a condo right on the beach. They even have an indoor swimming pool that i went in. I loved the pool... it was like a big bath tub to me! I was a little mermaid! We all had such a great time! I can't wait to go back when the weather is a little warmer.

January 14, 2010

7 months ~ Week 3

Exciting News!! My Papa Jay opened up his new restaurant in Athens, Georgia (on Broad street!) It's called Whiplash Cafe... it has the best pizza, pasta salad, bagel melts, & sooooo much more!! He even named a dessert after me - although i can't try it yet b/c it has too much chocolate in it. Mommy LOVES it! Next time you are at UGA you have to go (and tell Jay you know me!).

Daddy hung up my swing from GiGi
Jump'n, Jump'n!!
Story Time with Grammie before my nap!

All bundled up!
I love my highchair cover from Giselle! Sitting like a big girl at Whiplash Cafe.
Papa Jay showing me my dessert (it's named after me...Sweet Alison's Favorite!) Yummy!!!
More Please!
Ugh! Do you mind... i'm eating!

January 10, 2010

7 months ~ Week 2

Finally things have calmed down now that the Holidays are over. Mommy & daddy went to Hilton Head over New Years with my auntie & uncle. I got to stay with Gramzee the whole time... 3 nights!! I had so much fun (but mommy & daddy said they missed me a lot!). Gramzee & Auntie secretly planned a surprise photo shoot for me when they were in Hilton Head. It brought tears to mommy's eyes when she saw all the pics of me. We took around 300 photos, so here is a link to check only some of them out!

My great uncle Jason visiting from Maryland!
Staying at Gramzee's house!
We played & played!